We have created these stunning cards for Ramadan, and what better way to celebrate Ramadan than by donating to charity?! So we will donate 30p to Afghanaid for every card of the Salaam collection sold. At the end of Ramadan we will post how much money we were able to raise and donate to Afghanaid thanks to your support.
The compounding impacts of COVID-19, extreme drought, sustained conflict, and the economic crisis in Afghanistan has led to a loss of livelihoods and job opportunities, made finding food a major challenge, and caused widespread illness and loss of life. More than half of Afghanistan’s population is unable to feed their families. And after seeing the images on the news it was not a hard decision… We have chosen to fundraise for Afghanaid in order to make a difference to the lives of some of the most vulnerable communities in rural Afghanistan.
If you would like to know more about Afghanaid and the brilliant work they do please have a look here:
If you do not want to buy a card, but still want to help this great charity, please follow the link below. It will take you straight to the Afghanaid fundraising page:
Please note: These cards are still in print and not yet available for sale. We hope to start selling them from around 24 February 2022 onwards.